
Ch. 3 GameObject Class

In order to create all the objects of the game, the bullets the fire from the tank, the different types of bullets, and the tanks, the gun. This would be really tedious creating every class from scratch. So we create a parent class which we extend from later.
class GameObject { // code }
Our first method that we will add to the class is a constructor to initialize all the fields that we are going to use in this class. The arguments that we will add to the constructor are x, y, width, height, and only moveable when it's false.
constructor(x, y, width, height, movable = false) { this.destructible = true; // Can this object be destroyed? this.max_hp = 1000; this.hp = this.max_hp; this.pos = new Vector2d(x, y); this.width = width; this.height = height; this.rotation = 0; // In degrees this.velocity = new Vector2d(0, 0); this.movable = movable; // Can be moved by collisions this.color = {}; this.color.r = 0; this.color.g = 0; this.color.b = 0; this.verts = []; // created array this.rotated_verts = []; this.ignored_collision_objs = [this]; this.circle = false; this.radius = 0; this.unstoppable = false; // Lets object move through destructible objects var w = this.width / 2; var h = this.height / 2; this.verts.push(new Vector2d(-w, -h)); // added to array this.verts.push(new Vector2d(-w, h)); // added to array this.verts.push(new Vector2d(w, h)); // added to array this.verts.push(new Vector2d(w, -h)); // added to array GAME_OBJECTS.push(this); if (this.movable == false) { PRERENDERED_REDRAW_NEEDED = true; } }
The next method that we will add is for damage. The argument that we will pass is damage. The first if statement will make sure that the amount is destructible, and that the hp is more than 0, because you cannot have negative health.
damage(amount) { if (this.destructible && this.hp > 0) { if (amount > 0) { this.hp -= amount; this.color_by_damage(); } else console.log("WARNING: Attempted to damage by negative amount!!!"); } }
If we have entities that can take damage, then we also need to establish objects that are unstoppable, and if they are destructible. Because objects can be destructible, but not have health.
set_unstoppable(value) { this.unstoppable = value; } set_destructible(value) { this.destructible = value; }
One last thing we need to add to the damage portion of our game objects, is what color our tanks will turn when they are damaged, in our case we will be using red. It will turn more red based on how much health it has. More health = less red. Less health = more red.
color_by_damage() { var red = Math.round(255 - (255 * (this.hp/this.max_hp))); this.color.r = red; }
Now for the movement of our game object, our tank, we will add 2 methods, called rotate and move. The method rotate will pass degrees and know how many degrees it changes, it will rotate a certain amount. The other method, Move, will change the position of each tank on a vector2d plane.
rotate(degrees) { if (degrees != 0) { this.rotation += degrees; while (this.rotation < 0) this.rotation += 360; while (this.rotation > 360) this.rotation -= 360; this.calculate_rotated_verts(); } } move(vector) { if (vector instanceof Vector2d) { this.pos.add(vector); } else throw "Invalid argument"; }
Our Next method is called get_rect, we will pass local_coordinates as a boolean to see if they are any. We are getting the current x and y coordinates as well as its relation to the height and width of the walls.
get_rect(local_coordinates) { var x = this.pos.x; var y = this.pos.y; var w = this.width / 2; var h = this.height / 2; if (local_coordinates) return [-w, -h, w*2, h*2]; else return [x-w, y-h, w*2, h*2]; } calculate_rotated_verts() { var radians = deg2rad(this.rotation) this.rotated_verts = []; for (var vert of this.verts) { this.rotated_verts.push(vert.clone().rotate(radians)); } this.rotated_verts; }
The next method that we will add is another getter. The point is to get Vertices of our current tank position.
get_verts() { if (this.rotated_verts.length === 0) this.calculate_rotated_verts(); return this.rotated_verts; }
This method that we need affects our game objects. The ability for an object to be destroyed is needed. Because if we want the other tank to be destroyed, then we need a method for that.
destroy() { var i = GAME_OBJECTS.indexOf(this); delete GAME_OBJECTS[i]; if (this.movable == false) { PRERENDERED_REDRAW_NEEDED = true; } }
We use the constant GAME-OBJECTS that we stored before to classify each visual item as a game object.
**The explanation of this method is inside the method.
update() { /* Moves GameObject by its velocity and checks for collisions. If collisions are found, attempts to solve them by moving itself. */ if (this.hp <= 0) { this.destroy(); return; } if (this.movable) { // Move by velocity, if it has any this.move(this.velocity); // Get all colliding objects var collisions = GetCollisions(this); var attempts = 0; // Track attempts to prevent infinite loops var done = false; var max_attempts = 5; while(done === false && attempts < max_attempts) { var prev_pos = this.pos.clone(); var prev_velo = this.velocity.clone(); done = true; if (collisions.length > 0) { //console.log(collisions); } for (var i = 0; i < collisions.length; i++) { // Loop over all collisions one at a time var collision = collisions[i]; var obj1 = collision.obj1; // This object (redundant) var obj2 = collision.obj2; // The colliding object var dir = collision.direction.clone(); if (this.unstoppable && obj2.destructible == true) { // Don't attempt to solve collisions for unstoppable objects // unstoppable objects can go through almost anything. obj1.on_collision(obj2); obj2.on_collision(obj1); break; } this.move(dir.clone().multiply(collision.magnitude)); this.velocity.reflect(dir); // Get all new collisions after moving var new_collisions = GetCollisions(this); if (new_collisions.length === 0) { // Success! No new collisions found obj1.on_collision(obj2); obj2.on_collision(obj1); break; // Don't check any other collisions } else if (i < collisions.length-1) { // Fail! Move back to original position and // attempt to solve the next collision this.pos = prev_pos; this.velocity = prev_velo; } else { // Fail! No collisions remaining. // Try to resolve collisions from the new position obj1.on_collision(obj2); obj2.on_collision(obj1); collisions = new_collisions; done = false; attempts++; } } } if(attempts > 1) { console.log("Attempted to resolve collisions " + attempts + " times"); } } }
Each object that the user sees should be a color. We use the RGB scale to fill each item that we create with a color. But we also have to make sure that the color “sticks” to the item.
draw(context) { context.save(); let color = "rgb(" + this.color.r + "," + this.color.g + "," + this.color.b + ")"; context.fillStyle = color; context.translate(this.pos.x, this.pos.y); context.beginPath(); if (this.circle === true) { context.arc(0, 0, this.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI); } else { var verts = this.get_verts(); context.moveTo(verts[0].x, verts[0].y); for (var vert of verts) { context.lineTo(vert.x, vert.y); } context.lineTo(vert.x, vert.y); } context.fill(); context.restore(); } }
For our very last method in this class, it will be the different gun types. To make it interesting, we will have normal, machine guns (less damage, shoots fast), and heavy (more damage, shoots slow). We will have other classes that stem from this.
var GunTypes = { // Enumeration for different types of guns 'normal' : 1, 'machinegun' : 2, 'heavy' : 3, }
ALL OF CHAPTER THREE CODE https://pastebin.com/FPRSf78K