
3.3 Comparison Operators

Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are ways to compare data
  • > means "greater than"
  • >= means "at least"
  • < means "less than"
  • <= means "no more than"
  • == means "equal to"
    • 💡
      Don't confuse == with =. = is for assignment while == is for checking equality
  • != means "not equal to"
Example Code
# Comparison Operators print(5 > 9) # False print(10 >= 9) # True print(5 < 9) # True print(10 <= 9) # False print(9 == 9) # True print(10 == 9) # False print(9 != 9) # False print(10 != 9) # True
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In Python syntax, what would you write to say you have at least $4.50?

Compare X

You start with x = 10. Compare x with another number using a comparison operator such that if you print x (comparison operator) (another number), it prints False.


Write a program that takes an integer as input and displays True if the integer is even. Otherwise, it displays False.

No Greater Than

Create a program that takes a POSITIVE integer as an input and checks if it is NO GREATER than 100. Print True if it is and False if it isn't. YOU MAY NOT USE GREATER THAN or LESS THAN OPERATORS (>, <, >=, or <=). Find a way to do this problem using only the == operator and any math operators you want
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