
2.2 Variables


Variables are things you can store data in. For example, if I want the computer to remember the number 5, I can assign it to a variable as data. You do that by coming up with a variable name (let’s call our variable x) and saying x = 5.
Now when you say x in your code, the computer will remember you saved 5 into x, and recall it. Here are some examples and their corresponding type name in Python:
  • x = 5 → integer (int)
  • a = 9.2 → floating point number (float)
  • hey = 'hello' → string (str)
  • ohmygod = ' random string' → string (str)
  • green = True → boolean (bool)
Example code:
# use variables to store data first_name = "Jane" last_name = 'Doe' age = 25 price = 16.54 is_raining = True can_vote = False # variables can be assigned different values print(first_name) # prints Jane first_name = "John" print(first_name) # prints John
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Store Data

Set a variable named message to "Hi it's a good day" and a variable named x to 24.
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