
4.3 Anomaly Detection


Anomaly detection is used to identify deviations or rare/suspicious events because they deviate from standard behaviors or patterns. These events are also called outliers and lie

Techniques for Anomaly Detection

  1. Statistical Methods: Statistical techniques like mean, standard deviation, and probability distributions to detect anomalies.
  1. Machine Learning Methods:
    1. Isolation Forest: Uses decision trees to isolate anomalies by recursively partitioning the data.
    2. Local Outlier Factor (LOF): Compares the local density of a point to its neighbors. Points with significantly lower density are considered anomalies.
    3. One-Class Support Vector Machine (SVM): A regular support vector machine algorithm tries to find a hyperplane that best separates the two classes of data points. In an SVM that has one class of data points, the task is to predict a hypersphere that separates the cluster of data points from the anomalies.

Practical Application of Anomaly Detection

  • Cybersecurity: Identifying unusual network traffic indicating potential attacks.
  • Finance: Detecting fraudulent transactions or abnormal market behaviors.
  • Healthcare: Monitoring patient data to spot irregularities that may indicate health issues.
  • Manufacturing: Predicting equipment failures by monitoring sensor data.

Practice Problem

We have a list of scores for a test. An anomaly is defined as any score that is an outlier from the average score. Write a function to identify them and print them.


  1. Input: A list of integers representing scores.
  1. Output: Print each score that qualifies as an anomaly.
  1. Criteria: An anomaly is a score that differs from the average score by more than a specified threshold value.


[85, 90, 82, 88, 92, 95, 75, 98, 80, 70]
75 98 70


  • Average score:
  • Threshold: ±10 points from the average (75.5 to 95.5)
  • Anomalies: Scores 75, 98, and 70 fall outside this range.


Click to see the code:
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class AnomalyDetection { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] scores = {85, 90, 82, 88, 92, 95, 75, 98, 80, 70}; detectAnomalies(scores); } public static void detectAnomalies(int[] scores) { // Calculate average score double sum = 0; for (int score : scores) { sum += score; } double average = sum / scores.length; // Define threshold (e.g., ±10 points) double threshold = 10.0; // Detect anomalies List<Integer> anomalies = new ArrayList<>(); for (int score : scores) { if (Math.abs(score - average) > threshold) { anomalies.add(score); } } // Print anomalies System.out.println("Anomalies detected:"); for (int anomaly : anomalies) { System.out.println(anomaly); } } }


  • detectAnomalies method: Calculates the average score from the input array, defines a threshold, and identifies scores that deviate from the average by more than the threshold. Anomalies are stored in a list and printed at the end.

About Me

Create a new class called AboutMe. In the main method, print your name. On the same line, print any message. On the next line(s), print a stanza from your favorite poem. Make sure it's formatted correctly. And of course, be sure to have good programming style!

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